Barn Wood Table
Barn Wood Table

-Faux Barn wood table made from Hardware Store Cedar. Used Cedar for a more authentic barn siding look

-Stained, Tung oil, left to dry a week then poly coated.

-I find that the tung oil finish first keeps the colors more vibrant when I do a Poly coat.

 legs fashioned from old bed post for a unique look.

legs fashioned from old bed post for a unique look.

 My new kitchen table. Restored an old beat up Beech wood table my neighbor was getting rid of. The top was aged with my own aging recipe. I find my brew to be far more effective than traditional homemade brews you might find on youtube. Chemistry ha

My new kitchen table. Restored an old beat up Beech wood table my neighbor was getting rid of. The top was aged with my own aging recipe. I find my brew to be far more effective than traditional homemade brews you might find on youtube. Chemistry has always been a one of my favorite subjects!

 After aging I finished with Lacquer. The legs and base were done in a creme chalk paint.

After aging I finished with Lacquer. The legs and base were done in a creme chalk paint.

Barn Wood Table
 legs fashioned from old bed post for a unique look.
 My new kitchen table. Restored an old beat up Beech wood table my neighbor was getting rid of. The top was aged with my own aging recipe. I find my brew to be far more effective than traditional homemade brews you might find on youtube. Chemistry ha
 After aging I finished with Lacquer. The legs and base were done in a creme chalk paint.
Barn Wood Table

-Faux Barn wood table made from Hardware Store Cedar. Used Cedar for a more authentic barn siding look

-Stained, Tung oil, left to dry a week then poly coated.

-I find that the tung oil finish first keeps the colors more vibrant when I do a Poly coat.

legs fashioned from old bed post for a unique look.

My new kitchen table. Restored an old beat up Beech wood table my neighbor was getting rid of. The top was aged with my own aging recipe. I find my brew to be far more effective than traditional homemade brews you might find on youtube. Chemistry has always been a one of my favorite subjects!

After aging I finished with Lacquer. The legs and base were done in a creme chalk paint.

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